Sunset over Jackson's Pond
located on Kiowa Creek Estates
(Photo by Rod Johnson)
many small agricultural communities, the town of Eads,
located in Kiowa County approximately two and one-half
hours southeast of Denver on Colorado’s plains, has
struggled to survive the effects of declining population
and the severe drought conditions of the past several
years. Despite these hurdles, this small community has
taken steps via an unlikely source to address these
issues, steps which provide an affordable bonanza for
land seekers.
Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation (KCEDF), a
501c3 non-profit group formed over five years ago to
work on local issues, has stepped forward to offer
low-cost land to willing buyers in an effort to promote
local growth and development.
organization purchased eight-hundred acres of land on
the south edge of Eads in 2004 and has divided the
acreage into smaller parcels ranging from one-half to
forty acres in size. Amenities such as roads,
electricity, town water, and telephone service has been
installed and the non-profit group is now selling these
parcels, called Kiowa Creek Estates, at prices designed
only to recover the cost of the land and subsequent
Multi-acre parcels priced from $6,000 and up are
attracting interest from potential buyers from as far
away as North Carolina, Arizona, and Texas and provide
the purchaser with a bevy of opportunity to enjoy the
uncrowded, clean air, and recreational aspects of this
rural Colorado county. The development includes a
spring-fed fishing pond stocked by the Colorado Division
of Wildlife and walking and hiking trails are being
developed as well.
Kiowa County may be best known as the location where the
infamous ‘Sand Creek Massacre’ occurred in 1864,
urbanites are quickly discovering the abundance of
recreational opportunities available just a short drive
from the Front Range.

viewing opportunities around
Kiowa Creek Estates
(Photo by Rod Johnson)
Whether it is bird-watching, hunting, fishing or boating
on the Great Plains Reservoirs which are located just
south of Eads; or the blue skies, moderate winters and
uncrowded open spaces of rural America, Kiowa County has
to this such things as award winning schools, an almost
non-existent crime rate, and basic amenities such as a
hospital, a nursing home, a medical clinic, an assisted
living facility with an indoor swimming pool, a
senior-citizens center, a museum, an art gallery, a
nine-hole golf course, a pharmacy--and businesses such
as a grocery store, a NAPA auto parts store, a high
speed internet service provider, a childcare center,
beauty salons, a gift shop and other small businesses
and one has the basics for a county in the process of
recovering from adversity.
KCEDF land also features several hundred acres available
for business development, something that is gaining
interest due to the fact that US Highway 287, the
designated Ports to Plains Highway, runs north and south
through the middle of Eads and is dissected in Eads by
State Hwy 96, a major east-west route. Development of
the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site has also
fueled additional interest in this sparsely populated
county on the eastern plains.
According to Kiowa Creek Estates planning manager
Marilyn Baxter, the development of Kiowa Creek Estates
has been carefully planned to provide purchasers with a
chance to enjoy the Kiowa County lifestyle while at the
same time preserving the integrity of the land through
lenient, but enforceable, covenants that govern the
development of the property.
For More information
please contact
Jan Richards
KCEDF Community Coordinator
PO Box 250
Eads, CO 81036
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